Convert a Cold Call to Future Plan

A COLD CALL is the most dreadful job for a sales people. We might have removed the pain of dialing manually but the suffering of rejection by a total stranger still persists.
Fruitful Sales Representative are not changed their mind by this refusal and continue making the calls without overthinking about this denial.
Do they transform all the leads they call? “NO”
But certainly, they have amazing conversion rates.
What is it that makes them Successful?
So, let's suppose you are a sales representative who just called a prospect. From of the two scripts below, do you believe will aid you transform more?
Surely Script 2 will have more chances of forthcoming conversion as compared to Script 1
There are few things you can study from the above scripts.
If you have the email id of your prospect, you can use it efficiently for eventual conversions.
Your prospect may not require your get more info assistance today but can develop into your customer in time ahead or might refer you to another outlook.
If the prospect doesn’t need your services / product presently, it doesn’t mean they will never desire it.
A simple hack of asking an mailing address will help you generate a sales pipeline from your first cold call onwards. It will also give you a impression of accomplishment as you are acquiring something at the end of each call

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